The Montessori Curriculum
Our curriculum is the materials in the classroom, which were designed by Dr. Montessori. These developmentally appropriate materials engage the children in exploring and understanding the world around them and developing their self. The classroom includes areas of Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language and Handwriting, Culture (Science and Geography), and Art.
Our approach is guided by the needs and interests of the children. As teachers, we are present to serve these needs. Guided by the knowledge of children’s developmental path and “sensitive periods” for learning, teachers gently guide children through lessons or by stepping back and observing their work.
Our Day
Amesbury Montessori carries forth Maria Montessori’s intention to gently guide and honor each child through their organic developmental unfolding within a carefully prepared environment.
Throughout the day, children choose materials to work with or receive lessons from a teacher. Dr. Montessori’s philosophy of freedom within limits provides children the necessary structure and routines they need to successfully develop, learn, and become independent.
Children engage with materials and purposeful activities to learn in a practical way through their senses. Hands-on engagement with materials allows children opportunities to practice meaningful skills, to develop gross and fine motor coordination, concentration, self-regulation, and independence.
Respecting the children’s uninterrupted work period provides them the time they need to concentrate on their tasks, make discoveries, and practice skills to achieve independence and confidence. In this way, children truly develop their self—this is the work of the child!